
Croatian Film Clubs' Association

Tuškanac 1
Zagreb, HR
fax: +385 148 487 64


Croatian Film Clubs' Association


City Killer

City Killer

Apocalyptic urban milieu. The murderer is stalking his target. Escape from the scene.
My Neighbour Tanja

My Neighbour Tanja

The initial bad luck of the 57 years old Tanja Kursar, who was born an illegitimate child, has left a permanent mark on her life. Her grandfather could not accept her existence for a long time. She'd met her real father…


In order to make a self-portrait, the author did not stand in front of the camera lens: instead he let medical "lenses" cross the line of his inner world and invade the inside of his body. Traveling from the abstract…
Work in Progress

Work in Progress

A worker travels all the time. Home-train-tram-workplace- tram-train-home. Every day the monotony of movement repeats itself. The past and the present overlap. This avant - garde documentary film investigates the…
Zeljko Jerman - My Month

Zeljko Jerman - My Month

It seems that artist Zeljko Jerman lives like any other person: in the company of his pet, everyday objects and media pictures of the outside world; filled with small pleasures, cravings and sadness... However,…
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