Peter Beňovský


Peter Beňovský


Born May 22 in Trnava. Graduated from Documentary Directing and Film Editing at the Faculty of Film and TV, Academy of Performing Arts (FAMU), Prague. 1979 - 1983, Film Studio Koliba in Bratislava, also Slovak TV. In this period he cooperated with various other Slovak and Czech producers, for example, with Fero Fenič, Dežo Ursíni and Jan Švankmajer. The film Do pivnice (dir. Jan Švankmajer, ed. Peter Benovsky) received the Critics Award at the 1983 Oberhausen International Short Film Festival. Since 1984 he has been living in Austria; since 1989, he has been working at the ORF as a department editor and director; made several documentary films, e.g., Dzevad Krahasan - An Author in Between Two Cultures, Rýchle šťastie (Quick Luck), etc.
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