Michał Pietrak


Michał Pietrak


Born in 2001. Currently studying painting at the Fine Arts Academy in Cracow. Graduated Warsaw Film Highschool and "Bohemian summer", directing workshop at Film Academy in Prague. .

Since 2018 organizing cultural events angaging wide teamwork, such as exhibitions, concerts, spectacles and happenings. In 2023, debuted as a theatre director, with "The Red Gate", a spectacle based on literature of Bogusław Choiński, the spectakle had its premiere at Modern Art Museum in Warsaw, at Polish-French coproducted exhibition "Anka Przypadkiem".
Leader Of "Przezrocza poetry Oficine", theatre/music/literature focused artistic group, based in Warsaw and Cracow.

Curently directing a documentary "Do painters die Elsewhere", awarded with 2 awards at the 63. Cracow Film Festival Industry Gala.
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