Wanda Kaprálová studied Film Theory and History at Masaryk University in Brno, then completed the Production Team Studies program at FAMU International. Since 2015, she has been fully dedicated to film production and distribution. She collaborated with Vít Janeček and Zuzana Piussi in the production companies D1film (CZ) and VIRUSfilm(SK), where she was the head of development, production and distribution for the films At Full Throttle (d. Miro Remo, 2020), Peasant Common Sense (d. Zuzana Piussi, Vít Janeček, 2017), Five Hundred Plateaus (d. Andrea Slováková, 2020) and others. She also worked for the VOD portal DAFilms as a production manager. Since 2021, together with Klára Mamojková, she has been working as a producer in her own production company CLAW.