Petra Hanzelková

Czech Republic

Petra Hanzelková

journalist, producer

Education: 2001-2002 - Institute of Political Science in Lille (France), finished by the Certificate of political studies for foreign students. 1997-2002 - VSB – Technical university of Ostrava – Faculty of Economics, field of study: European Administration, finished by State Final Examination. 1999-2001 - University of Ostrava - Philosophical Faculty, field of study: French and Spanish language. Film work experience: 2006 - 2007 - Feature film: Sight-seeing Navigation - Production Assistant. 2007 - Documentary film: Women of horses – Production Assistant. Experience: August 2009 – Present, Main content of working activity: PR and marketing manager for the communities’ websites as,, and 2006 – 2009 - Czech Public Radio. Main content of working activity: production manager for the multimedia project - a slightly different reality show The Revealed, including executive production; PR and marketing manager for Czech Radio Leonardo and Czech Radio Online. 2003 - 2006 - Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic, Main content of working activity: eventy (PR) production, i.e. organisation of press and other conferences and big multilateral meetings, monitoring of the Operational Programme (for Structural Funds), including the elaboration of annual and half-year reports, publicity of the programme, active cooperation with the European Commission – DG REGIO.
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