Edward Kulbayev


Edward Kulbayev

producer, director

Date of birth: On September 18, 1959.Upon termination of in 1983 of the Kazakh State university of S.M.Kirov worked as the editor at the Kazakh television (youth edition), and then the editor of the Main scenary board of a film studio "Kazakhfilm" of Sh.Aymanov.In 1987-1990 studied and finished in Moscow the High Courses of screenwriters and directors. V.E.Kapitanovsky's workshop and Gerasimov's A.N (documentary and popular scientific cinema). Further on a film studio "Kazakhfilm" and other studios, including "Студия Всегда!" removed a number of documentary films: "A wind and Salt" (1989), "Aytys" (1990), "The Belarusian boundary"(2010) .
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