Ionut Piturescu


Ionut Piturescu

director, director of photography, editor, producer

Ionut Piturescu is director and producer, Phd in Sociology. In 2008 he founded Anthropoesis Films and in 2016 Cineimpact Alliance,producing short/medium-length documentaries and feature-lenght docu-fiction hybrids. His medium-length Quest(Romania) wasgranted the Quinzaines des Realisateurs Award at 63rd Cannes IFF. He is in post-production as director/producer with the feature Selfand Other (Romania), shot in 8 countries, supported by Media Program and National Center for Cinematography. He is alsodirecting/producing Borders (Romania, Denmark, Burma), a Burma war story, selected in Cinefondation Atelier at 69th Cannes IFF.
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