Irini Sarioglou


Irini Sarioglou

festival director

Irini Sarioglou was born in 1972 in Polis. She is an Assistant Professor of Modern History at the University of the City and General Secretary of the Hellenic Foundation for Historical Studies. She has edited historical documentaries such as: "Zappeion Girl's School of Istanbul", "Letters Without a Recipient - Ayvalik 1922", "In Exile - Erzurum / Askale 1942", "The Silent School - A flashback to the history of I.Th. School of Halki "," Imbros - Tenedos: Of Memory and Oblivion "," The New Smyrna of Mikis Theodorakis "," At the edge of the Aegean, Kastellorizo ​​"and" The East Wear ". She is the President of the "Beyond the Borders" Festival. She speaks English, French and Turkish.
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