Hynek Spurný

Czech Republic

Hynek Spurný


Hynek Spurný is a film producer who graduated in film production from FAMU in Prague. He founded and runs his own film production company Altum Frames, where he focuses on the development and production of fiction and animation films. His goal is to work with authors with a significant creative vision and a strong emphasis on authenticity. With his projects Hynek regularly participates in international co-production and pitching forums (Kids Kino Industry in Warsaw, Animation Production Days in Stuttgart and Visegrad Film Forum). At the moment, his short animated film "World I live in" by Ester Kasalová is going into distribution and he is developing two feature projects, which are the original documentary "Master Frank" by Jiří Šlofar and the coming-of-age comedy "Blafák" by Lukáš Citnar.
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