Jiří Vondrák

Czech Republic

Jiří Vondrák

director, script writer, producer

Born in 1954, Jiří has been a professional musician, folk singer since 1979. In 1989 wrote the poetic and music collage "Skutečně jsem nechtěl ublížit nikomu" that became one of the basic performances of the theatre Divadlo na provázku in Brno a has a record amount of re- runs, not only in former Czechoslovakia, but also in Austria, Germany and Poland. From 1989 - 1994, performs with the band BOWLE - hundreds of concerts in Austria, Germany, Poland, Netherlands, Russia, Ukraine, Kazachstan, etc. - first CD BOWLE 92-93 LIVE. Founder of an arts agency and Free Art. TV scriptwriting, directing, travel reports - awarded in Varese, Italy. Documentary films - "Naděje a stesky Bulata Okudžavy" - later "Básníci Evropy"- popular with critics and viewers - Czech TV presented the programme in Cannes. Currently works only for TV - worked with scriptwriter Pavel Loffelmann on an epic 13 one-hour films about Czechoslovak folk and country legends; also worked on a cycle of 36 films about Czech songwriters.
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