Juraj Lehotský


Juraj Lehotský

director, script writer

Juraj Lehotský was born September 19, 1975 in Bratislava. Between 1990 and 1994 studied at the Higher Art and Crafts School in Bratislava (SUPŠ), photography. Between 1995 and 2000 studied documentary film directing at the Academy of Music Arts in Bratislava (VŠMU). He works as a documentary film director, director of music videos and commercials. His documentary film Blind Loves (2008) received, among others, the CICAE Award at the 2008 Cannes IFF. Filmography: 1995: Tichý svet Jožka Baláža (The Silent World of Jožko Baláž); 1996: Budeme mať výkony, budeme mať diplomy (We Will Perform, We Will Get Diplomas); 1997: Pohreb je vlastne premiéra (Funeral is Really a Premiere); 1998: Nechcené deti (Unwanted Children); 1999: Dvojičky (Twins); 2000: Nevedel som že ťa budem mať tak rád (I Did Not Know I Would Love You So Much); 2001: Rozhovor (Interview); 1999-2001: Documentary Series TUCET (A Dozen) film portrait: Juraj Kukura, Martin Hollý, Milan Lasica. 1999-2004: music videos and commercials.
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