Biljana Čakić Veselič


Biljana Čakić Veselič


Biljana Čakić-Veselič was born in Vinkovci, Croatia in 1967. She obtained her degree from the Zagreb Academy of Visual Arts. At the outbreak of Croatian war in 1991 she was a war reporter and camerawoman of Radio 101. In 992, her first war-related documentary, Maja II, was made. In 1997-1998 she studied at the European Film College in Denmark. While helping her family in search for her brother who went missing in action in 1991, she became involved in exhumation and identification ofCroatian soldiers and civilians. Her documentary cycle Killing Fields (1999/2000) was made as a result of cooperation with the Association of theFamilies of Missing Croatian Soldiers and POWs. A year later she completed The Boy Who Rushed, documenting her search for the missing brother.The film was shown at more than twenty international festivals. In 2001, it was Croatian candidate for Oscar for Best Documentary Film.
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