Laurentiu Calciu


Laurentiu Calciu


Laurenţiu was born and bred in Bucharest. When the Revolution came he was a Math teacher. Soon after, he got hold of a VHS camera and started filming the new democracy emerging in the Bucharest streets in 1990. It was then that he met Rupert, who was in Romania as a journalist and aid worker.Since capturing real life on film was obviously his passion, he decided to pursue it professionally and in 1991 was admitted to the National Film and School Television in UK, where he was awarded a Post Graduate Diploma in Documentary Filmmaking.After graduating in 1995 he returned to Romania for a couple of years to teach documentary filmmaking and then in 1997 left for Greece, where he shot a documentary about life in the Dodecanese Islands, he spent and filmed months on a container ship that was sailing from Greece to Japan and made a documentary about the route of Jason and the Argonauts through the states on the coast of the Black Sea.In Romania he made the award winning documentary “The Land is Waiting”, as well as several other short or full length documentaries about Roma life. He is very passionate about the Roma, their way of life and culture and has decided to study the Romani language.
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