Marianna Strommer


Marianna Strommer


Born in 1981, Marianna is British / Hungarian, currently works at Fivinvest Kft, Budapest Sept 2004 -. Responsibilities include: Working on productions both as Director and Assistant Director; scriptwriter; pre-production work, including writing and compiling grant applications, establishing relations with suitable companies, agencies and people (eg. co-production partners, casting agencies, hire firms, actors, musicians). Main achievements: Directing an educational production on new EU disabled rights policies, entitled the Madrid
Declaration and the Council’s 2000 Directive (2x20mins); Writing a script for a forty-minute stage production entitled Revolution Britannica 1848, performed Merlin International Theatre, Budapest, 15th March 2005. Work experience: Atlantic Films, Budapest; BBC; The Bank Productions; Movietech Camera Rentals. Education: 2000-2003: Nottingham University, BA (Hons) English Studies with Philosophy.
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