Marcel Hoehn


Marcel Hoehn


Marcel Hoehn founded T&C Film in Zurich in 1976 and remains its managing director and producer for cinema, TV and documentary films. They include The Swissmakers by Rolf Lyssy; Hecate, Beresina by Daniel Schmid; Jeune Homme, Julia’s Disappearance by Christoph Schaub and cinema documantaries such as Il Bacio Di Tosca, The Written Face by D.Schmid; Bird’s Nest by Ch.Schaub/ Michael Schindhelm; The Knowledge of Healing by Franz Reichle; Mother by MiklòsGimes. Many of the films are international coproductions screened at large festivals and sold worldwide. In 1999 he was awarded the Zurich Film Award and in 2011 he received the Swiss Film Award Quartz for his work.
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