Marta Wierzbicka


Marta Wierzbicka


Marta is executive producer and production manager. A graduate of the University of Warsaw's Faculty of Management and a one-year course for Film and Television Producers at Lazarski University, Marta has experience in the production of a variety of film forms, ranging from feature films ('Das Weisse Haus Am Rhein', 'Z łóżka powstałeś' [From Bed Thou Arose], 'The Model'), to commercials (Leroy Merlin, McDonald's, Lirene), TV programmes ('Down The Road', 'Nietypowe transporty' [Unusual Transportation]) and documentaries ('Angels of Sinjar', 'Pragnienie piękna' [Desire For Beauty]). She undertakes projects both as an independent producer and in collaboration with television stations, and she is a member of the National Chamber of Audiovisual Producers.
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