Producer Viktor Schwarcz, has been working in the field of film productions at Prague´s largest Film Studio Barrandov, for the past 20 years from 1973. He is well experienced with the various production functions and has produced roughly 90 feature films, TV serials and films made to order. At Cineart 10 feature films and a lot of pther production works.
Head – arms – hearT Little Foxes No Escape from the Shadow An earthy paradise for the eyes DollsIndian and the NurseVaterlandExpelled from ParadiseWild BeesReport on Pilgrimage of students Peter and JacobTraps
Head – arms – hearT Little Foxes No Escape from the Shadow An earthy paradise for the eyes DollsIndian and the NurseVaterlandExpelled from ParadiseWild BeesReport on Pilgrimage of students Peter and JacobTraps