Georgy Molodtsov


Georgy Molodtsov

director, editor, festival representative

Gregory was born 1986 in Yekaterinburg, Russia, and graduated from VGIK (All-Russian State Institute of Cinematography, Russia, Moscow), non-fiction film study, Sergey Miroshnichenko's workshop, in 2008. Since 2005 up to today he has been creative director and filmdirector of a NGO “Laboratory of Social Advertisement”. He authored more than 30 PSA`s, is a winner of more than 20 awards for social adverising on major Russian and several international Advertising Festivals. In 2008 he became the coordinator of documentary program “Free thought” within Moscow International Film Festiva and in 2010 Gregory became a line producer, buyer for a tv-slot "Watch and Discuss" within Kultura TV (Rossiya-K). He is Berlinale Talent Campus Alumni (2007), Zlatibor-Interaction Alumni (2007), and European Summer Film School Alumni (2008).
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