Marta Frelih


Marta Frelih


Born in Maribor, Slovenia, Europe. EDUCATION:1992 she graduated at the Swiss School in Zurich, called “Neue Kunstschule Zurich” and received the title: Costume and fashion designer. 1994 she graduated at the “Pedagogic University of Maribor”, Slovenia with the title: Professor of Art Pedagogic. 2002 she absolved her Masters degree at the “Academy for Theatre, Radio, Film and Television” in Ljubljana, Slovenia with the title: M. A. of ArtsIn the year 2007 she received the title Ph. D. of Sciences at the “Kunstinstitut der Humanwissenschaftlichen Fakultat der Universitat zu Cologne”, Germany. WORKS:As costume and set designer worked for Opera, Drama, Ballet, Music theatre and Cabaret in the theatres of Slovenia, Germany, Switzerland, Austria and France. She had 11 independent design and photo exhibitions. During her studies in Germany worked with students (Design workshops and Art Seminars).
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