Ella Raidel


Ella Raidel

director, producer

A Pile of Ghosts

A Pile of Ghosts

The real estate broker cruises around the rambling speculation landscape on a golfcart and adds names, numbers, and products: Ocean Boulevard, Central Beach Road, Lakeside Club, 250,000 square meters, freshly planted…
Double Happiness

Double Happiness

Double Happiness takes the Chinese copy of Hallstatt, a small idyllic town in Austria, as the starting point to explore China’s fast urbanization. Chinese cities are built where histories and memories can be easily…
Subverses. China in Mozambique

Subverses. China in Mozambique

Ella Raidel’s documentary film "Subverses. China in Mozambique" begins with images of a Chinese business man on a terrace over the roofs of Maputo, doing business on his mobile phone. He stands with his back to us,…
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