Meike Martens


Meike Martens


Rift Finfinnee

Rift Finfinnee

In grandiose wide opening shots, slow panoramas, and concise static compositions, Daniel Kötter explores the landscape east of the Ethiopian capital Addis Ababa. He focused his attention on four urbanizing areas, in…
Still Recording

Still Recording

A unique documentary study takes us into Syria where, for a period of over four years, we observe the lasting friendship of art students Saeed and Milada. They moved to the rebel town of Douma and record everything they…
Gagarin's Pioneers

Gagarin's Pioneers

What is home? And what is more important - life or home? Director Vitalij Manskij searches for an answer to this question among his former class-mates with whom he was admitted to the pioneer organisation 'Vladimir…
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