Siegfried Alexander Fruhauf


Siegfried Alexander Fruhauf

director, producer

Where Do We Go

Where Do We Go

Images recorded on a Lomography Supersampler, which photographs four immediately sequential moments on one frame of 35mm film, multiply the illusion of rhythmic movement and create a visual melody that hurtles forward,…
Mirror Mechanics

Mirror Mechanics

The film as a mirror and, consequentlially, phenomenon of identification primarily inherent in feature films, condense to a type of essence of film`s potential. This reports on cinema and the processes within it.
Structural Filmwaste. Dissolution1

Structural Filmwaste. Dissolution1

The first part of Structural filmwaste seems to be a reaction to the aesthetic methods of past Austrian avant-garde films: Leftover footage (Ernst Schmidt Jr.) was put together according to rigid plans (Kurt Kren) and…
Structural Filmwaste. Dissolution2

Structural Filmwaste. Dissolution2

Structual Filmwaste. Dissolution 2 is the continuation of investigations into the fragmentation of time and images through video. It also represents an attempt to reveal the material nature of this vehicle of illusions.
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