Johannes Hammel


Johannes Hammel

director of photography, director, producer

Low Definition Control – Malfunctions #0

Low Definition Control – Malfunctions #0

Regardless of where we walk or where we stand, we’re being watched: In a society in which the public space is primarily regarded a source of risks, nearly everything depends on constant surveillance. And so the most…
Last Supper

Last Supper

A home movie from the 1960s: A man and a woman are eating and drinking. Gradually the film strip begins to crack, scratches appear, the colors change, and it dissolves. In the same way as the memories of these events…
The Lovers

The Lovers

The Lovers is the second part of a small triology, dealing with the extinction of memories. In the first part, The Bathers, two protagonists were subject to the chemical decomposition of the film material. The Lovers,…
The Bathers

The Bathers

An exhilarating dance of spots of colour and traces of wear and decomposition. The abstract earth-coloured texture is reminiscent of Stan Brakhage`s work.
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