János Domokos


János Domokos

director, script writer, editor, producer



Thousands of migrants and refugees at the Keleti railway station in Budapest. are waiting for continuing their desperate trip to northern Europe.


A palimpsest is written material from which the original writing has been removed and replaced by something new. Enough of a trace can be left of the removed writing that it can still be read. Gustav Spet was an…
You Are Not Alone...

You Are Not Alone...

May 2008, Hargita In Székely County the election campaign is in full swing. Politicians come and go. The people stay.
The Widow

The Widow

The documentary shows a picture of a lonely older woman, who lives somewhere in Transylvania. She is preparing herself for a market, which should be taking place the following day. The market means not only merchandisig…
The Train

The Train

This is a film that was shot at the same time by four directors and four crews. The crews filmed the story of a journey (one by one). The basis of the story is the preparation, the journey and the arrival.
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