Michael Zischka


Michael Zischka


How Long is a Minute?

How long is a minute? is an interactive web experience about time perception. Our goal was to create an unique experience based on the individual feeling of time. We decided to take a poetic aproach to the topic. The experience starts with a black screen, a tiny fire fly talks to the user with a soft voice and invites him to follow her into the dark forest. The user is asked to close his eyes and keep them closed for a minute. Instead of counting the seconds he should listen to his inner clock. The time frame is measured by eye tracking. Based on the duration the user is presented a short documentary story of a character with a similar time perception. For the prototype we created two stories: one of an 77 year old lady, who is living in an elderly home and describes how slow time passes and another story of a young graffiti sprayer who describes the rush of spraying illegal at night and how quick the moment passes. The short audio story has the lenght of a minute and is accompanied by abstract video and photography footage.
At the end of the experience the user is given a Haiku, a short Japanese poem, which is connected to the story he experienced. He can share it on social media. The goal is to give him a digital memory of the experience.
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