Petr Lokaj

Czech Republic

Petr Lokaj

director, script writer

Stolen Childhood

There are people among us whose childhood was stolen by the times. Because of their Jewish origin, they were expelled from schools and sport clubs during the war, they were not allowed to enter swimming pools and sports fields, to own a dog or a parrot, all that before the "final solution". All their lives, these now "old children" had to cope with the trauma of the loss of their parents, loneliness and persecution. Fear and anxiety have become part of their life and have been passed on to the next generation. Their children, too, carry the symptoms of persecution.

The Dobříš-Paříž Axis

The Dobříš - Paříž axis. 25 years ago, this phrase would be familiar to students of military departments, then a compulsory part of university studies. It reflects the life-long conviction and education of Czechoslovak officers that World War III is inevitable and the camp of peace and socialism would definitely finish with the rotten capitalism. In the form of a fictitious documentary with allusive stage-managed elements and comments of experts, the film will introduce period strategic and operation plans of the Czechoslovak army, moving along the border between the grotesque and the tragic.
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