Niccolò Salvato


Niccolò Salvato


Near Light

Near Light is a five-episode TV docu-series which functions as a display for television of the disregarded reality of detainees from different European prisons. The characters portrayed are granted a special treatment plan (ex: In Italy it is known as “Article 21”), allowing them to perform work or study activities out of prison at a specific time of the day, living in a limbo between prison and outer society. The reconnection with society brings out the ghosts of their past, but also their fear for an uncertain future that they can now shape for better. Ostensibly, the different episodes follow young inmates, both female and male from different parts of Europe, unravelling the rarely accessible personal lives of convicted individuals. The true subject of the story lies in their humanity, their perspective on a blood-stained past, and their fear of the future.
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