Anna Kusanová

Anna Kusanová

The Taste of Celibacy

Slovak priest Peter Lucian Baláž (39) decided to write a book advocating the idea of consecrating married men. He asked his friend from the seminary – priest Michal Lajcha (35) who was about to leave the clergy because he had been in a long-term relationship and wanted to get married. He invited him to be a co-author of a book, and its first version was published only under Lajcha's name.
Anyway, sensing the danger of a recourse, he left his diocese and went to serve as a chaplain in prison. While Mr. Lajcha was in a really bad situation as his girlfriend had left him in the meantime and he found himself without a job, Mr. Baláž stayed in prison where he was shifted to the position of a guard. Mr. Baláž decided to go on with his mission.
In the meantime, the Amazon synod takes place in Vatican – its major topic is the consecration of married men. In the final report, the Pope gets a recommendation that he should allow the consecration of married men in Amazonia due to the actual lack of priests there. Mr. Baláž starts his investigation to find out who in Europe shares his opinions.
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