Agnieszka Woszczyńska


Agnieszka Woszczyńska


Laugh if You can

A story about people who spend most of their time in their dreams - a land so real that making out the difference between the dream and the real world is their curse. They suffer from a rare condition - narcolepsy, which makes them suddenly fall asleep - regardless of their location or the thing that they are doing. They cannot control it. They fall asleep while meeting people, taking care of their children, working or driving. Some fall asleep due to a sudden storm of emotion when they watch an emotional movie, hear a good joke or fight with their spouses. Their bodies betray them. Their dreams tend to be so real that after waking up they cannot tell whether that was a dream or the real world. But the film will not be about the condition but about people whose lives are led in two worlds: the dream-world, which only they can access, and the real world that goes past them, letting their sleep steal the passing and unique moments, about all that goes past them when they are asleep. It will be a story about people who have to deprive themselves of emotions to be able to control their bodies. How can that be - a person forced to subdue emotions in order to live her life? Isn't that what we aim for us, the "healthy" ones? Just as the narcoleptics, we try to hide our emotions. The only difference is that we do have a choice.
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