Zdenka Kujová

Czech Republic

Zdenka Kujová


Unenchanted Janosik

Juraj Janosik (*1688 - †1713) was a legendary rebel (sort of like Robin Hood), who became a national hero not just in native Slovakia. A serious documentary film about this crucial historical figure has not been shot yet. But recent tendencies try to degrade the character of Juraj Janosik to simple thief and murderer. The authors of the documentary film want to discover the most credible information, subject them to critical perspective and introduce the history of Juraj Janosik to the audience in full scale. Peter Adamov (*1974), musician and folklorist from Zilina, will be the guide in the documentary. He presents an innovative approach in historical research – through “marketplace songs“ with rebel themes (in 18th century these had functioned as kind of tabloids). Excerpts from the rebel songs will be staged as short music videos, shot with old historical costumes and props, Peter Adamov starring as Janosik himself. We also plan to develop a cross-media platform, based also on unused material. An interactive application will provide the visitor to follow Janosik’s life journey, partially even influence it, choose the amount of amount and type of information and interact with other online visitors. Mobile internet will provide access to the application also right in the actual countryside around Terchova (Zilina region), where Janosik lived.

Good Evil - The Gentrification in Bronx of Brno

Despite the fact, that the process of gentrification is already taking place in many cities in Czech Republic, there is not much public debate on this topic. In Brno, country's second largest city, city quarter Cejl is undergoing the most noticeable change. Also known as "Bronx", "Ghetto" or pejoratively "Gypsy town", Cejl is unique due to its proximity to the centre and a specific atmosphere caused by a rapid change in local population over the last two centuries, varying from peasants, Jews and German citizens, to underprivileged Gypsy minorities and now – gentrifiers. Film will discuss both sides of the debate. The one claiming this process is against the poor and the other that highlights the revitalization of cities. Gentrification also demonstrates the complexity of the modern world.

Elephant Wars

Africa. We dream about it as kids, as adults we see it in the TV as something exotic and dangerous. Some of us are not afraid to make our dreams come true, some of us are not afraid to leave safe old Europe and to seek an adventure in the lands, that are for common Europeans still new and mysterious. And sometimes our goals are more noble. "I go there to help, to save the elephants, people, planet! It´s something I have to do," we say. But is it about helping Africa?
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