Kristina Husová

Czech Republic

Kristina Husová

organization representative, producer

Human Beeing

The relationship between people and bees is one of the best mapped phenomena in human history. In most cultures, the honey bee used to be considered a sacred animal and enjoyed great respect. Today, due to our irresponsible interventions in nature, it is facing extinction. Together with Honeymen, two amateur beekeepers from Brno, we set out to search for an answer to how to save the bees. However, it soon becomes clear that it is not only the bees that are dying; it is also something in us. Human Beeing is a reflection upon modern humans losing their relationship both to nature and to themselves. It is not a film about the bees but with the bees. It is about humility, faith and dying humanity at a time of increasing dominance of technology.


We imagine that kids from different backgrounds have different futures, but what do kids imagine for themselves? Love and Capitalism is a documentary essay grounded in the director’s dilemma about how to raise her son in a global society where money matters more and more. The film explores how children express different understandings of our world and the future. Set in a vast white laboratory, children co-create their ideas of today’s society, putting up a mirror to the values we are passing on to them and showing us a new way of existing: the digital world. Using live collage sequences, interviews, footage shot by kids, and a magical object, The Time Machine, the film documents how we are, or perhaps are not, preparing children for what’s coming. Are we engineering our children to succeed in the global system? And if so, is it a system that will ensure or destroy their future?
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