Who Killed Natasha?
Grozny, the capital city of Chechnya, 15 July 2009. Natasha Estemirova, a journalist and human rights activist, never made it to a meeting scheduled that day. The life of this fearless woman was ended by a bullet from a…
Who Owns the East?
Businesses, homes, forest, farmland – all this was once declared public property by the GDR. After the fall of the Wall, an entire country was up for sale. Who owns what in the East?
Who's afraid of Europe? How the EU came to Poland
Polsko, duben 2004, jen několik dní před vstupem Polska do EU. V malé vesnici blízko hranic s Ukrajinou je vše jako obvykle: farmáři obdělávají půdu, dojí a vedou krávy na pastvu. Každý z nich od nové éry, které právě…
Who's Afraid of Nathan Law?
At 21, Nathan Law awoke a generation to demand democracy promised to them by peacefully shut down Hong Kong for 79 days. While awaiting trial, Nathan started his own political party and at 23, became the youngest…
Whose Dog Am I?
In this documentary satire, dog breading ideologies are metaphors for human national and social politics.
Who's Gonna Love Me Now?
Saar found exile in vibrant London from his conservative Israeli family. Diagonsed with HIV he fails all expectations of his extend family, but his wish to return keeps growing.
Why am I here
This is a film about people who we call strange and unusual because they are not like us - they are on the sidelines of society. Rasul is 15 years old but only recently has he begun to speak and communicate with others,…
Why Pigs Don't Have A Name?!
A piglet named Caesar lives a happy life with a loving owner, which is very different from other piglets’ lives. But does this special treatment make Caesar’s destiny different?
Wichterle je životopisný dokument o Otto Wichterlem, vynálezci měkkých kontaktních čoček. Jeho vynález dnes používá více než 100 milionů lidí. Prodejem patentů se mohl stát pohádkově bohatým člověkem, kdyby nežil v…