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Ex Oriente Film East Silver East Doc Platform KineDok East Doc Series Český dokument

Ex Oriente Film

3rd Ex Oriente Film Session: Market, Here I Am!

2nd Ex Oriente Film Session: Production and Story Development

1st Ex Oriente Film Session: Find Your Way – Vision, Space and Storytelling

Ex Oriente Film Follow-Up

Knowledge Lab

East Silver

East Silver Karavana

Silver Eye

Cena Silver Eye

Czech Docs: Ready to Go

East Silver Market

East Doc Platform

Czech Docs: Coming Soon

East Doc Interactive

East Doc Forum

East Doc Market


Co-Production Booster


East Doc Series

Český dokument

Panel připravovaných českých dokumentárních filmů

Katalog českých připravovaných dokumentárních filmů

Večer s českým dokumentem


Sun Mei

Sun Mei

Film o čínské dívce natáčející film daleko od domova. Otevřená výpověď o ní samé a její zemi.
The Sun Monopoly

The Sun Monopoly

A point of view from a historical quarter of modern city, where inhabitants have no other choice to enjoy sunlight but only its reflection from glass surfaces of high buildings erected by the Sun Monopoly.


Sunny is an exploration of a middle-aged, door-to-door sociological surveyor that combines a charming character with a complex view of Georgian society.
The Sun Sets in the East

The Sun Sets in the East

A poetic documentary contrasting present-day Lithuania with a peasant's diary from 1984/85, detailing faith, family struggles, and foreshadowing a declining society and way of life.
Super Alphabet

Super Alphabet

Superheroes from different movies lined up in alphabetical order from A to Z to tell us something very important.


A Trivial Pursuit card, as it´s called in the film, locates the so-called cargo cult on the oceanic Vanuatu Island. The cult involves indigenous population groups imitating U.S. soldiers with equipment made of simple…
Super Dad

Super Dad

The film follows the relationship that Nicolas has with his two children Maria and Porfir to investigate the problems and concerns of fatherhood.
super heavy

super heavy

Autorka pomocí vodních symbolismů a kontrastů mezi filmovou surovinou, VHS záznamem a digitálním filmem zkoumá formativní funkci plavání, jeho vliv na upevňování rodinných pout a jeho vztah k současné tísnivé válečné…


39 positions from the field of art become visible and audible in this film. The participating artists were visited in their working spaces over a period of three years.
Super Unit

Super Unit

Superjednostka (superjednotka) představuje obrovský blok bytů, který má sloužit jako "bytový stroj". Na 15 patrech budovy můžou bydlet až 3000 lidí. Výtah staví jen každé tři patra a nájemníci se tak musí proplétat…
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