A small Bulgarian village just by the Turkish border has been resisting foreign invaders since the times of the Ottoman Empire. Now its electorate of 38 elderly Bulgarians is facing a tough decision. The Great Gate, as the village has been called for centuries because of its location, has found itself in the middle of a European crisis, as at nights asylum seekers sneak passing the border. The forgotten village has become the most important secret loophole of Europe.
Ivan, the local postman, has a vision. He decides to run for mayor and turn the dying village alive by welcoming refugees. His opponents want to close their eyes, close down the border and reintroduce communism. As the campaign goes on, Ivan soon learns that while good intentions are not enough, even the smallest deeds matter.
Ivan, the local postman, has a vision. He decides to run for mayor and turn the dying village alive by welcoming refugees. His opponents want to close their eyes, close down the border and reintroduce communism. As the campaign goes on, Ivan soon learns that while good intentions are not enough, even the smallest deeds matter.
5. 6. 2018
KineDok se má v červnu k světu
Devět červnových projekcí unikátního filmového klubu KineDok nabídne šest snímků v šestici měst: v Hradci Králové, Jičíně, Třebíči, Pardubicích, Praze a v Plzni na Náplavce k světu, která hostí rovnou tři promítání.
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22. 2. 2018
KineDok zahajuje již čtvrtou sezónu a zve na grand opening
Institut dokumentárního filmu i v roce 2018 pokračuje se svým úspěšným projektem KineDok, zaměřeným na alternativní distribuci autorských dokumentů.
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