98 min


Bydlet proti všem

Režie: Tomáš Hlaváček


Housing Against Everyone tells the story of several years in a million city, where the city hall decided to try one of the new ways of combating ‘poverty business’ known as rapid rehousing. The principle is to give a stable and respectable home to families in housing need, which are the usual victims of this business that even the government pays for. The chain of controversy grows into a dramatic social conflict revealing not only the crisis of interpersonal solidarity and traditional social policy, but above all the international problem worsening the situation of affordable housing.


Videotéka East Silver na MFDF Ji.hlava 2021
21. 10. 2021

Videotéka East Silver na MFDF Ji.hlava 2021

Pro držitele a držitelky industry a press akreditací bude na MFDF Ji.hlava od 26. do 31. října nachystána videotéka East Silver. Které filmy budete moci zhlédnout? Projděte si jejich seznam. Těšíme se na vás!
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