The documentary follows a boxing coach and his trainee from the very beginning to the first successes. Both characters are of Roma origins from the infamous Ghetto in the middle of the Budapest.
Misi Sipos, 60, an ex member of the 8th district maffia, while recovering in a prison hospital after a shootout with a rival gang, turned to God and left behind his criminal past.
Zoli Szabó, 21 is one of these kids. He has been boxing in the amateur league under Misi’s guidance for 6 years. Despite his young age he has to face up to the responsibility of providing for his new family. He has a tough decision to make, as he either becomes a professional boxer, which comes with a lot of sacrifices or he follows in the footsteps of his mobster father. The film is about the path they take together.
Misi Sipos, 60, an ex member of the 8th district maffia, while recovering in a prison hospital after a shootout with a rival gang, turned to God and left behind his criminal past.
Zoli Szabó, 21 is one of these kids. He has been boxing in the amateur league under Misi’s guidance for 6 years. Despite his young age he has to face up to the responsibility of providing for his new family. He has a tough decision to make, as he either becomes a professional boxer, which comes with a lot of sacrifices or he follows in the footsteps of his mobster father. The film is about the path they take together.
17. 6. 2020
KineDok zve na Q&A s producentem filmu Ghetto Balboa
Zveme vás ke sledování novinky z katalogu KineDoku pro rok 2020, maďarského filmu Ghetto Balboa. Na projekci naváže diskuze s producentem Lászlem Józsou, která se uskuteční online ve čtvrtek 25. června od 19:30 a připojit se k ní můžete na Facebooku.
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14. 1. 2019
Láska, Válka a Daliborek v Budapešti
Na budapešťském festivalu dokumentárních filmů (BIDF) se 28. ledna – 3. února 2019 představí v soutěžních sekcích několik titulů East Silver Karavany a nominovaných na cenu Silver Eye. Tématem letošního ročníku festivalu je Nahá pravda na filmovém plátně.
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