When an amateur female sports club Volteo takes on the challenge to become a national team at horse vaulting, its members don’t realize how much sacrifice goes with such a decision. In the name of one goal, they will have to overcome their own weaknesses and turn their Sunday hobby into an everyday duty. The path to success is all bumpy and full of drama, where bitter aftertaste of failures holds much longer than sweet smell of victories. However, the real takeaway for the girls is in the lessons of friendship, responsibility and staying true to themselves, all which happen in between workouts, when the girls come of age and learn to become self-aware, fully realized women.
21. 10. 2021
Videotéka East Silver na MFDF Ji.hlava 2021
Pro držitele a držitelky industry a press akreditací bude na MFDF Ji.hlava od 26. do 31. října nachystána videotéka East Silver. Které filmy budete moci zhlédnout? Projděte si jejich seznam. Těšíme se na vás!
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