Jola and Wiesiek, a couple of extraordinary entrepreneurs, run the biggest pawnshop in the south of Poland. Profitable in the past, today the business only generates loses. Financial troubles affect their relationship. The problems have several causes. Residents of the neighbourhood in which the pawnshop operates more and more often pawn worthless objects to make their ends meet. Wiesiek's irrational marketing initiatives and the good heart of Jola who financially supports poor clients are not conducive to improving the situation either. The love of Jola and Wiesiek begins to falter when the money to live on runs out and they feel overburdened with protracted problems and fights. At the same time, in the back of the pawnshop, a new love is born between two young employees, Roksana and Tomek.
Meanwhile, a harsh winter is coming and the conditions in the shop deteriorate. The owners get into another big brawl. To save the business, they decide to organize a grand spring sale.
Meanwhile, a harsh winter is coming and the conditions in the shop deteriorate. The owners get into another big brawl. To save the business, they decide to organize a grand spring sale.

23. 10. 2022
Filmy podpořené IDF na MFDF Ji.hlava 2022
Nenechte si ujít filmy podpořené Institutem dokumentárního filmu na 26. ročníku MFDF Ji.hlava: Pongo Calling, Návštěvníci, Adam Ondra: Posunout hranice, Tmání, Muzeum revoluce, Vyšetřovatel a další.
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5. 2. 2020
EDP 2020: Návštěvníci, Šaman proti Putinovi i Veletrh bydlení
Projekty představené na pitchingu East Doc Forum a během schůzek na East Doc Marketu jsou nedílnou součástí 9. ročníku East Doc Platform, který se uskuteční v Praze od 7. do 13. 3.
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