81 min




Režie: Alexandru Mavrodineanu


Boxing Coach Dobre (65), a tragical figure of the Romanian boxing scene, trained former boxer Vasile Dragomir who became World Champion back in 2001. Shortly after his professional peak, Dragomir abandoned him for another coach and promoter. Dobre swore to never again guide another pupil until he met Caisă (13) who impressed him by his natural talent for boxing and his loyal character. The film starts a few months before the Boxing National Championship of 2013. Despite acting against his mother’s will and risking to lose his scholar year, Caisă trains hard to live up to Dobre’s requirements and keep within his tightly defined weight division. As the film evolves, Dobre’s intuition proved to be right once again. Caisă becomes the Boxing National Champion. Two years later, to everyone’s
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