
80 min

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My Father, the Iceman

Mój ojciec Iceman

Režie: Łukasz Kowalski


Ewa, 40, has been fighting for many years for the release from prison of her father convicted of the 1993 murder of the leader of South Africa's anti-apartheid communist party. Her father, Janusz Walus, is, after John Paul II, Lech Walesa and Robert Lewandowski, the most recognisable Pole in South Africa. He came here in the 1980s, abandoning his wife and the then 4-year-old Ewa in Poland. Just a few years later, her father hurt her once again. When she was a teenager, journalists from all over the world turned up at her school and home. They wanted to meet the family of the man who had murdered the leader of the South African Communist Party, Chris Hani, Nelson Mandela's right-hand man, in cold blood. After a few years of her father's incarceration in a Pretoria prison, Eve writes her father his first letter. A long correspondence begins between them. Despite the harm he has done to her, Eve decides to fight for her father. She graduates from law school and becomes his chief defence lawyer, seeking his conditional release from prison. At the same time, Janusz Walus becomes the idol of the Polish far-right, who also demand his release and deportation to Poland. Despite her left-wing views, Ewa is doomed to receive help from nationalist groups, as fighting in the courts is very expensive. However, this help may not be disinterested...
On 21 November 2022, there is a breakthrough: the Constitutional Court in South Africa decides on Janusz's conditional release. The woman decides to come and visit her father, who is under house arrest in South Africa, especially as his life is in danger because of blacks seeking revenge who are outraged by the court's decision. Will this be Eve's last meeting with her father? And what will be the consequences for the daughter and father seeking reconciliation after many years?
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