61 min


Almost 10.000 Voters

Майже 10.000 виборців

Režie: Ulyana Osovska


Local businessman Oleksandr believes in the ideals of Ukraine’s 2014 Revolution. So he decides to run for mayor of his city, Illintsi, in an effort to change things for the better. By now, the war has dragged on for nearly two years elsewhere in the country. Oleksandr and the people around him have started a powerful grassroots movement to support the war effort.
But in his battle to get elected, is Oleksandr ready to give up his activist ideals in favor of political games? And is his country really ready to change?



Dokumenty z East Silver na festivalu Docudays UA v Kyjevě
27. 3. 2018

Dokumenty z East Silver na festivalu Docudays UA v Kyjevě

Mezinárodní festival o lidských právech Docudays UA, každoročně pořádaný v posledním březnovém týdnu v ukrajinském Kyjevě, představuje dokumenty z celého světa.
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