30 min


Emelya's Tale

Емелин сказ

Režie: Andrey Shabaev


The Russian folklore collector Alexander Afanasyev published an old fairy tale "Emelya" two hundred years ago. In this fairy tale a simple peasant Emelya, who slept on the stove most of his time, once got miraculously lucky: He caught a magic fish-pike, which gave him magic words in exchange for its life. These words fulfilled any desire. Emelya overcame all difficulties and obstacles, got rich, married the King’s daughter and began to live happily...
Two hundred years have passed. The action takes place in our days. Emelya sleeps again on the big Russian stove in an abandoned and distant village by the roadside. He knows his forest; he remembers legends of the native village and slowly shows us the end of the Old Russian fairy tale.


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