Beyond Medals
“I want, I can, I know” – he said when he was only 4 years old and forever marked by polio. Today, he is the most decorated athlete in the history of Croatia.
Blaha Lujza Square
The play continues at the heart of Blaha Lujza square, yet the National Theatre of Hungary no longer stands...
Blueberry Spirits
Strašidelné historky a legendy v životě romské rodiny, která spolu s přízraky a duchy tráví léto v jednom lotyšském lese. Bruno je hlavou malé romské rodiny, jejíž členové si každé léto přivydělávají sběrem lesních…
A sociological portrait of the United Kingdom after the historic Brexit vote of 2016. A funny, sometimes terrifying and non-judgemental look at the new populist politics sweeping western democracies.
The Brotherhood
The real story of unknown heroes of sport showing that football is not just a way in life, but also a way of accepting people around you.
Budapest Underground
A documentary about the youth and music subcultures of Budapest in the ‘90s and the 2000s.
Burning Issue
A compilation of cases where the production of Bioenergy (energy produced with organic sources such as wood or crops) goes wrong and causes massive damages to nature.
Butterfly City
A Russian-speaking city in Lithuania refuses to die along with its defunct Soviet-era nuclear power plant. Instead, it looks to the future and searches for a new face.
Bye, My Dearest
The 60 years friendship between two women born in Łódź in 1931, who, being orphans, were transported to German farms to do forced labor.