Edina Csullog


Edina Csullog


Edina Csüllög is an Estonian based Hungarian producer and director. After graduating at ELTE, MA on literature), she moved to Estonia to study film directing. Since graduation at the Baltic Film and Media school
she has directed her debut short film (The Butterfly man), which won the Baltic Pitching Forum at 2014. Her recent works as a freelance
producer are: Experts of Love (feautre documentary in production) Firekeepers (Sarajevo Pack and Pitch, a full length creative documentary in postprod.), Lembri Uudu (short documentary - completed), Mother
River (short fiction film, completed), Those who left - (feature documentary film in development).
Besides producing she is the founder of Finno-Ugric Film Found and the film festival called FUFF..
Someone as flow is the first animation produced
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