Vanja Smiljanić


Vanja Smiljanić


Vanja Smiljanić (*1986 Belgrade, Serbia)
lives and works between Lisbon and Cologne


2015 – 2018
Postgraduate Media Art, Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln, Germany

2014 – 2015
a.pass, Advanced Performance and Scenography studies, Brussels, Belgium

2010 – 2012
M.A. Artistic Research, Dutch Art Institute/MFA ArtEZ, Arnhem, Netherlands

2005 – 2009
Fine Arts, Faculdade de Belas Artes Lisboa, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal

Exhibitions and art activities

(S=solo performance; G= group performance; E=exhibition)

“Make it, make it, don’t fake it!”, Kondenz Festival Belgrade
Geliebte Parasiten #2, Studio Strzelecki Cologne (S,E)
ALMLA, Los Angeles (E)
Open Studio, Los Angeles, (G)
Multi Cult, Cinefamily, Los Angeles, (G)
“StriKing 5.0”, Videonale.16, Bonn, (G)

“StriKing 4.0”, Schauspiel Cologne, (G)
“Serpentine”, Schauspiel Cologne, (S)
“Echoes from the Sky”, Q-18, Cologne (E, S)
“Splendid Chaos”, Beethovenfest, Bonn (G)
Open Studios, Villa Romana, Florence, (S)
“Waves of Worship (WOW)”, Drodesera Performance Festival, Dro I, (S)
Camp/2, Performance Festival, Burg Giebichenstein, Halle D, (S)
“Fire Sale Tour”, Ufer Studios, Berlin D, (G)
Time Based Academy, Kunsthalle Düsseldorf D, (S)
“StriKing 3.0”, Kunsthaus Rhenania, Cologne D, (G)

“StriKing 2.0”, Galerie Martinetz, Cologne D, (G)
“Play” Video and Performance Festival, Galerie Ampersand, Cologne D, (S,E)
“Fire Sale Tour”, Tiefgarage, Cologne/ Galerie Tatjana Peters, Ghent/a.pass Brussels BE, (G)
“Anthem of the New Earth/Remasterd”, Drodesera Performance Festival, Dro I, (S)

“Strobe Antumbra”, PAC-Padiglione d’Arte Contemporanea, Milano I, (S)
“The Council of Nine (lights)”, hbf – häuser | bilder | fenster, Münster D, (S, E)
9 ½ Sculpture Biennale, Berlin D, (E)
“New continent of thought, are you receiving me?”, New Talents – Biennale Cologne 2014, Cologne D, (S, E)

“Strobe Antumbra”, Gold+Beton, Cologne D, (S)
“Knights of Eternity en Voyage In Nordrhein Westphalen (kurz: KEVIN OF LOVE)”, with Janina Warnk, Gold+Beton, Cologne D, (S)
“In space no one can eat ice cream”, Palazzo Trecchi, Cremona I, (S, E)
“Strobe Antumbra”, RIXC Media Space, Riga LV, (S)
“Posdkup Skupova (Klinicka slika Metala,Kristala i Kuvala)/
Subset of a Set (clinical feature of a Metal, a Crystal and a Kettle)”, with Marija Šujica, G12Hub, Belgrade SER, (S, E)
“In space no one can eat Ice cream”, Baustelle Kalk, Cologne D, (S)

“They were gently raining”, Kunstvlaai Festival of Independes, Amsterdam NL, (S)
“Between Time and Eternity lies a Dimension called Hyprxis”, with Anna Hoetjes and Frederik Gruyaert, Kunstvlaai Festival of Independes, Amsterdam NL
“Gothic/Gótico”, with Ana Manso, André Souza, Goncalo Sena, Parkour, Lisbon PT, (S, E)
“Disproportionate number occurred on Wednesdays”, DAI, Arnhem NL, (S)
“Routine”, Raw Material Company, Dakar SN, (G)
“THREE ARTISTS WALK INTO A BAR…”, de Appel, Amsterdam NL, (G)

“Like Now (would be good)”, Arnhem NL, (G)
“Fail worse again”, DAI, Arnhem NL, (S)
Publication Class, Spencers Island, Nova Scotia CAN, (E)
“Like Now (would be good)”, Bulegua z/b, Bilbao ES, (G)

“5th floor”, Culturia residence, Berlin D, (E)

Project JetKlasse, colaboration with AdBK München, Fábrica Braço de Prata, Lisbon PT
“Intervalo entre Pesos”, Espaço Avenida 211, Lisbon PT


“Metal, but at the same time… it’s a crystal”, Casco/Dutch Art Institute
“Nella Fantasia in a study about horizontality, time and nomadic structures”, with Lukas Marxt, RWE Stiftung
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