Claudia Pütz


Claudia Pütz

režie, scenář

* 14 May, 1958 in Düren. Childhood in a convent school; 8 years operational service work for Deutsche Bahn AG. After receiving the university-entrance diploma from an evening school studies of Philosophy, Psychology and German Philology. Editor of the object journal PIPS. Various book publications, scholarships and awards. 1991 Graduate of the first script workshop at the Munich Film School.
Since 1996 screenwriter, e.g. for ARD, ZDF, SWR, WDR, SF. Lecturer at the Federal Academy of Cultural Education, Wolfenbüttel, Department of Literature and at the Film House Frankfurt/M. 2001 – 2006 Plotter, story liner and scriptwriter for the TV series LÜTHI & BLANC, Swiss television (SF). 2007 – 2009 TAG & NACHT. TV series. 36 episodes, 45', with Katja Früh and Daniel Howald,
Swiss television (SF).
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