Constantin Wulff


Constantin Wulff

režie, scenář, zvuk, producent

• Born 1962 in Hamburg.
• Film-publicist and film-maker.
• Producer and director of documentaries (“Spaziergang nach Syrakus” A 1993).
• Organisation of film-events.
• Publications on Austrian film (Wilhelm Gaube, Alfred Kaiser, Ulrich Seidl).
• Co-editor of various books on film (“Schreiben Bilder Sprechen – Texte zum
essayistischen Film”, „Marcel Ophüls: Widerreden und andere
Liebeserklärungen – Texte zu Kino und Politik“)
• 1993-1996 member of the selection committee of the Festival of Documentaries “Duisburger Filmtage”, Germany.
• 1997-2003 co-director of the Austrian Filmfestival “DIAGONALE” in Graz, Austria.
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