Brane Bitenc


Brane Bitenc


Brane Bitenc was born in 1962 in Ljubljana. He started expressing his creativity as a singer and text-writer for one of the cult slovenian punk groups of the time, Otroci socializma. He published his poetry in Slovenian magazines, later on publishing a collection of his poems 'Kri' ('Blood') in 1986. His love for film led him to study film and TV direction at AGRFT (Ljubljana's Academy of Theatre, Radio, Film and Television). He wrote numerous scripts and directed various documentary films. He is also author of many children's shows and films, mostly in production of Televizija Slovenija (Slovenian National Television). His work has been awarded many times; for example he received a bronze award of Metod Badjura for his film 'Lojze se je zbudil tako kot ponavadi' ('Lojze woke up just as usually'), a Viktor award for his show 'Muzikajeto' ('Thisismusic'), two Babič awards for best TV film and Grand Prix at the Novi Sad film festival etc.
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