Marcel Kolvenbach, born in 1969, has been working as a documentary filmmaker for WDR, ARD and ARTE since 1993, when he finished his degree in visual communications (film and photography) at the FH Düsseldorf.
The main focus of his work are political documentaries in Germany and abroad. After receiving a RIAS-scholarship to work for the ARD news desk covering the US presidential elections in 1996, he lived and worked in New York from 1997 to 2000. He then moved on to live in Brussels until 2004, and now lives in Cologne. Many of his documentaries and short films were shown in festivals in Europe, Canada, Cuba and the US. In January 2005, his biography of Bill Clinton was published by “rowohlt” as part of the “Love in Power” anthology, which accompanied the major ARD-television series. The same year Marcel Kolvenbach and Eki Sieker received the New York Festival Bronze Award for the ARTE-Documentary “The Secret of the Bat” about the Bacardi-Clan and its fight together with the CIA against Castro’s Cuba. In 2007 he received together with co-director Pagonis Pagonakis the German Human Rights Film Award for their documentary “Death in the Cell”.
The main focus of his work are political documentaries in Germany and abroad. After receiving a RIAS-scholarship to work for the ARD news desk covering the US presidential elections in 1996, he lived and worked in New York from 1997 to 2000. He then moved on to live in Brussels until 2004, and now lives in Cologne. Many of his documentaries and short films were shown in festivals in Europe, Canada, Cuba and the US. In January 2005, his biography of Bill Clinton was published by “rowohlt” as part of the “Love in Power” anthology, which accompanied the major ARD-television series. The same year Marcel Kolvenbach and Eki Sieker received the New York Festival Bronze Award for the ARTE-Documentary “The Secret of the Bat” about the Bacardi-Clan and its fight together with the CIA against Castro’s Cuba. In 2007 he received together with co-director Pagonis Pagonakis the German Human Rights Film Award for their documentary “Death in the Cell”.