Nicolas Pradal


Nicolas Pradal


Nicolas Pradal was born in Meaux (France) in 1984. Being a bad young pupil, he ends up doing a Carpentry degree. In the meanwhile his uncle, a philosophy teacher, gives him the passion for cinema. After studies in Sociology and Anthropology, he enters the ESAV (Toulouse’s audio-visual superior school).

His graduation movie “Les rêves et la loi” (dreams and laws) frontly shows the complex situation of Aboriginal people in Australia. This trip is the key to many subjects he has been studying since then.

In 2009 he begins a documentary in French Guyana in Native American territory. This touchy topic brings him to the point where he decides to make participative movies. He directs the 52 minutes “La Jeunesse du Fleuve” (The river’s youth) in partnership with Les Films du Sud as a producer, t
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